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Carmen Luz Caquías


Carmen Caquías is a holistic empowerment coach focused on entrepreneurship and sales, with more than 18 years of experience in the field. Her mission is to help people achieve their business dreams while maintaining a balance between their personal, professional and spiritual lives.

Carmen Luz Caquias - Coach de vida - Emprende con Armonia

Carmen Caquías is a Puerto Rican who is very proud of her roots; a leader, artisan and entrepreneur, passionate about service, entrepreneurship, the arts and nature.

From an early age, she found in the arts a place to express her creativity and inspiration. Despite having specialized professionally in the area of Special Education and practicing it for many years, the passion for the arts and entrepreneurship became the guiding thread of her life, guiding her, providing her with opportunities and serving as therapy and a foundation at every step.

Love and appreciation for nature have also been fundamental, as through them he learned the importance of harmony between personal and professional life.

With more than 18 years of experience in sales, including network marketing, she has come a long way learning and growing both professionally and personally. Every challenge, every medical diagnosis and every challenge have been key to her growth, her resilience and her life.

Throughout this journey, he has been able to see and appreciate life from a different perspective; getting closer to God and understanding that true success is not measured only in business achievements, but in the ability to place God as the foundation in our lives and to balance our passions and responsibilities, always maintaining a connection with what surrounds us. His mission is to help others raise awareness so that they can discover that same harmony in their lives and in their entrepreneurship.

Carmen Luz Caquias - Coach de vida - Emprende con Armonia
Carmen Luz Caquias - Coach de vida - Emprende con Armonia

She firmly believes that every woman has incredible potential to succeed, unique talents to share, and that when we place God, self-love, and an active faith as the foundation of everything, we can achieve success in life.

Her goal is to provide the necessary support, along with the tools and strategies she has learned along the way, so that others can build and achieve their dreams without sacrificing their well-being. She wants to help others see life and entrepreneurship from a comprehensive and balanced perspective, be instrumental in the path of others, inspire each other, and be a bridge of blessing for others.

Something that many people don't know is that Carmen Luz Caquias is also an artist. Here we show you some of her creations.

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